
"West with Giraffes" Writing Contest 

Presented by The Center for American Literary Studies and Centre County Reads. 

This contest is part of the 2025 Centre County Reads/CALS Community Read of Lynda Rutledge’s West with Giraffes, a novel about the unlikely journey of a Dust Bowl refugee, a hardened zoologist, a woman photojournalist, and two giraffes from a hurricane-racked New York to a welcoming San Diego zoo. On the road, friendships are formed, deepened, and dissolved. 

“There is no explaining the world…,” the gruff old man in West with Giraffes says. “How you come into it. Where you find yourself. Or who your friends turn out to be—be you man or be you beast.”

Inspired by West with Giraffes, enter your best work of writing that centers on a relationship between an animal and a human animal. Submit your piece of 5,000 words or fewer for competition in one of the following categories:

Best Short Fiction 

Best Non-Fiction

Best Poetry 

Best Entry for a Writer Under 18

$300 Grand Prize (additional prizes for winners in each category)

Entries are due by March 12, 2025.  Submit to

Winning entries will be displayed at the Schlow Centre Region Library and on the CALS website.


Presented by The Center for American Literary Studies and Centre County Reads. 

Tuesday, February 25 | 4pm-5pm | PSU Zoom 

Lynda Rutledge’s West with Giraffes tracks the unlikely journey of a Dust Bowl refugee, a hardened zoologist, a woman photojournalist, and two giraffes from a hurricane-racked New York to a welcoming San Diego zoo. On the road, friendships are formed, deepened, and dissolved. Three invited panelists will consider the context of the Great Depression, the environmental impact of the Dust Bowl, and the ethics of zoos.  

Featured Panelists:

Neil Maher.  Professor of History, New Jersey Institute of Technology and Rutgers University-Newark

Randy Malamud.  Regents’ Professor of English, Georgia State University

John Marsh. Professor of English, Penn State University

Moderator:  Brett White, Graduate Student in English, Penn State

Book Discussions 

Tuesday, January 21 | 5:30pm - 6:30pm | Sun Room | Schlow Library

Thursday, February 27 | 6:30 - 7:30pm | Zoom | Schlow Library

Wednesday, March 5 | 1 - 2pm | Holt Memorial Library, Philipsburg

Wednesday, March 12 | 12:15 - 1pm | Active Adult Center (Nittany Mall)

Wednesday, March 19 | 6:30 pm | Centre County Lib. Zoom

Saturday, March 22 | 2pm | Centre County Library, Bellefonte


Wednesday, March 5 | 10:30am | Holt Memorial Library, Philipsburg

Monday, March 10 | 10:30am | Centre Hall Area Branch Library

Wednesday, March 26 | 11am | Centre County Library, Bellefonte

More Activities 

Wrecked on the Rail w/ Local Historia Thursday, January 16 | 6:30pm - 7:30pm | Schlow Library 

Join Matt and Dustin from Local Historia as they discuss "one of the most infamous railroading disasters of the 19th century.” Can't get enough local history? Find Local Historia online and hosts of Hidden Happy Valley. Did you miss this event? You can find a short video on the topic on Local Historia's YouTube channel.

NEW DATE Thursday, March 6 | 4pm - 5pm - Virtual Visit w/ Lake Tobias Giraffe Caretakers | Schlow Library

Ever wonder what it takes to look after an animal taller than your house? Caretakers from Lake Tobias will be answering questions and discussing what life is like with these extraordinary creatures. Crafts will be provided for adults and families. 

Dumbo” (PG) No School Movie Monday, March 31 | 1pm | Centre County Library, Bellefonte

Enjoy this classic Disney tale with the kids!

Take & Make - Giraffe Craft (March) | Centre Hall Area Branch Library

Zoo Animal Book Bingo (March) | Centre Hall Area Branch Library

Youth Take & Make - Giraffe Craft (March 3-8) | Holt Memorial Library, Philpsburg

The Grapes of Wrath” (1940, PG) Film Talk | Friday, March 21 | 1pm | Centre County Library Zoom

Youth Take & Make - Giraffe Craft (March 24 - 30) | Centre County Library, Bellefonte

An Evening with Lynda Rutledge 

Wednesday, March 26 | 7pm - 8pm | Schlow Zoom 

Moderated by John Marsh, Professor of English, 

Director, Center for American Literary Studies, Pennsylvania State University 

Free and open to the public.